Wednesday 16 November 2011


1. To do zombie makeup you will need liquid latex, tissue, syrup, red food colour(fake blood), foundation, talcum powder, 2 bowls/cup, green purple yellow eye shadow.

2. Pour the liquid latex into a container by itself. Paint a small bit of the latex onto cheek/neck/wherever you want it. Take a square of the tissue and split it in half so it is really thin now. Carefully, stick the tissue onto the latex.

3. Tear off the unused bits of tissue.

4. Paint more latex onto the tissue.

5. Cover the latex with more tissue (like paper mache with latex instead of glue). Tear off the unused bits again.

6. Keep on painting, sticking and tearing until the tissue is of a good size.

7. Begin to pull parts of the layers of latex away to create holes.

8. Mix syrup with a tiny bit of red food colouring. Pour it on the wound.

9. Use green, purple and yellow eyeshadow to create bags around eyes! 

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